How Can I Help Someone With Drug Addiction?

If you’ve recently discovered a friend’s struggle with drug addiction, your mind might be spinning with how to help them. Here are some ways you can help.

Research and Educate Yourself

Each drug has its own set of symptoms and addictive habits. Educating yourself to understand the specific addiction will give both insight and empathy. You don’t have to become an expert, but learning more will help you know how to handle addictive behavior in the future.

Provide Support

Supporting an addict can take many forms. Express your care and concern for them, be positive and encourage them to do the same, or offer to be someone to call when they want to use drugs. Schedule regular meetings and help hold them accountable for their drug use or offer to attend addiction meetings with them.

Create Boundaries

While it’s important to give support, boundaries are crucial when it comes to helping an addict. An addict can fall into manipulative tendencies that can implode your relationship. Setting boundaries helps guard your relationship and help the addict at the same time.

Celebrate Progress

Any progress is worth celebrating! Even the smallest of wins can encourage the addict to stay on the path to recovery. Get creative and have fun!

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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