Can You Take Too Much CBD?

More and more Americans are consuming CBD products to relieve anxiety, reduce pain, or get a mood boost. But is it possible to have too much CBD?

Although humans can tolerate up to 1,500 mg of CBD per day, it is possible to have too much CBD. Some common side effects of too much CBD include:

  • diarrhea
  • vomiting
  • drowsiness

Additionally, CBD can interact with medications, especially if it has a grapefruit warning.

While severe reactions are uncommon, call 911 or visit the nearest emergency room if someone is unconscious, having trouble breathing, or seizing after consuming CBD products.

You can also contact Poison Control at 800-222-1222. Be ready to provide as much information as possible, such as the product name, how much and when it was ingested, and the person’s weight and height. Poison Control can give you more information on how to help the person and what to expect for recovery.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

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Side Effects of Marijuana

As more and more Americans start using medical or recreational marijuana, it’s important to know these side effects.

  • Pharmacologic Resistance – Dr. Taylor Graber, an MD Anesthesiologist says “Chronic Marijuana use can lead to a physiologic resistance to many pharmaceuticals, including opioids, local anesthetics, general anesthetics, and others.” Dr. Graber also says that marijuana users need 2-4x more medications to induce and maintain anesthesia and also need more opioids to reduce pain.
  • Lung Infections – Marijuana damages the lining of the lungs, reduces the body’s immune system, and increases the risk of lower respiratory infections.
  • Increased Appetite – Marijuana causes the stomach to release more hormones for hunger and stimulates neurons in the hypothalamus that control appetite. This can lead to consuming more food and weight gain. \
  • Dry Mouth – Dr. Abe Malkin states, “Dry mouth or cottonmouth… is another frequent side effect of cannabis abuse. The cannabinoid receptors are located in the brain – CB1 and CB2 – and also in the submandibular glands found beneath the bottom of the mouth. These glands produce nearly three-quarters of our body’s saliva. When THC binds to these receptor sites both in the brain and in these glands, the glands stop receiving messages from the peripheral nervous system- specifically the parasympathetic nervous system- to produce saliva. Thus, there is a reduction in the amount of saliva produced resulting in the feeling that your mouth is dry.”
  • Sexual Dysfunction – Marijuana restricts blood flow to veins and arteries, which can affect the ability to have an erection or have an orgasm.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

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3 in 4 Americans Use CBD Products

CBD product use has been on the rise for quite some time now and the market continues to expand. But how much has the market actually expanded?

Green Element, an artisanal CBD company, has published new research that reveals just how much the CBD market has expanded.

“We can now say that three out of four of Americans are using CBD products,” said Doug McHart, CEO of Green Element. “That’s great news for our industry but it’s better news for those CBD consumers who are alleviating pain, reducing anxiety and improving their quality of life.

Another area of interest in the study is the demographic of CBD product customers. Perhaps surprisingly, affluent professionals in their thirties and forties are the consumers who use CBD products the most.

McHart goes on to say, “This new data draws a comprehensive and striking image of those consumers: They’re educated, upper income, professional families. They’re smart and they’re choosing to take charge of their family’s health.”

Additionally, the study notes that:

  • 97% of Americans believe CBD products provide health benefits
  • 40% of Americans take CBD for anxiety and/or stress
  • 34.4% of CBD consumers make more than $150,000/year
  • More than 80% of Americans aged 25-45 use CBD products

While CBD products used to be an occasional occurrence with your employees, now the statistics say otherwise.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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Trouble With Edibles in Maine?

For the past two years, emergency rooms across Maine have reported an increased number of cases in which the clinical notes for patients under 18 years mention marijuana use. This has happened about 25 times each month in 2020, compared to 20 incidents per month in the past three years.

Additionally, the number of calls to Maine’s Poison Control regarding childhood marijuana consumption has been steadily rising in the past five years.

According to the report, “In 2016, the Northern New England Poison Center received just two calls for Maine kids younger than 6 who had been exposed to marijuana. It then received 28 in 2019, 23 in 2020 and 29 through August of this year — with about 35 percent of those calls including moderate or serious health effects.”

Usually, the child’s exposure to marijuana had come from swallowing gummies, chocolates, or other edibles containing marijuana. The child, not knowing they weren’t consuming regular candy, would eat several edibles–or more–when the serving for an adult is one piece. This would cause the child to have extreme drowsiness, dizziness, anxiety, breathing trouble, hallucinations, or seizures.

Parents, health officials, and law enforcement are all calling for more safeguards so that children are not harmed by accidental consumption of edibles.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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What Is Meth?

Perhaps you’ve noticed some changes in a family member, friend, or co-worker that are concerning. Maybe they appear more alert or on edge than usual, have trouble falling asleep, have fast breathing, or are especially warm.

While it’s never helpful to jump to conclusions, it is important to know the signs of drug addiction, especially to the highly addictive drug Methamphetamine.

What Is Meth?

Meth is short for Methamphetamine, a highly addictive drug that affects the central nervous system. It is usually a white, odorless but bitter powder that dissolves quickly.

A subset of amphetamine, meth was developed for nasal decongestants and inhalers. While amphetamine and methamphetamine have similar effects on the body, meth lasts longer and has more detrimental effects on the body.

What Are Side Effects of Meth?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, short-term side effects of meth include:

  • increased attention and decreased fatigue
  • increased activity and wakefulness
  • decreased appetite
  • euphoria and rush
  • increased respiration
  • rapid/irregular heartbeat
  • hyperthermia

Long-term side effects can include:

  • addiction
  • psychosis, including:
    • paranoia
    • hallucinations
    • repetitive motor activity
  • changes in brain structure and function
  • deficits in thinking and motor skills
  • increased distractibility
  • memory loss
  • aggressive or violent behavior
  • mood disturbances
  • severe dental problems
  • weight loss

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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Should Truckers Use CBD Oil?

Although marijuana and CBD are being decriminalized–or made legal–in a growing number of states, CDL holders should still be cautious when using CBD oil.

CBD is readily available in gas stations and truck stops around the country. Truck drivers can buy CBD in just about any form–edibles, tinctures, cookies, gummies, and more. But why should CDL holders avoid CBD products?

Many products contain Delta-8 or Delta-10 THC, which shows up as the federally illegal marijuana on a drug test. Unfortunately, many CDL holders have been unable to work due to a positive drug test.

While it might be tempting to try CBD products, either for pain relief, deeper sleep, or just for fun, CDL holders must ask themselves if it’s worth the consequences of potentially testing positive on a drug test. For now, it is probably best to avoid CBD products and keep your steady job.

In the future, when the legality of CBD becomes clearer, it’s likely that CDL holders will be able to use CBD products with no consequences.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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How Much Do You Know About Opioids?

If you’re looking for more information about opioids, you’ve come to the right place.

What are Opioids?

Opioids are drugs that are usually used for pain management or other conditions such as coughing. Although naturally found in opium poppy plants, manufacturers can also make synthetic opioids by using the chemical structure from poppy plants.

Opioids trigger the body to release large amounts of dopamine–your “feel good” hormones that improve your mood and make you feel happy.

Where Can You Get Opioids?

Opioids approved by the FDA are available either over-the-counter or by prescription. Opioids that are not approved by the FDA are illegal to possess or sell. Illegal opioids have no medical use and are therefore easily misused and increase the risk for addiction.

What is an Opioid Use Disorder?

Prescribed opioids are generally safe for short-term consumption. Prolonged use of opioids can lead to dependence and addiction. A person has an opioid use disorder when they cannot function normally without taking opioids.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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FDA Rejects CBD as a Dietary Supplement

Charlotte’s Web Holdings Inc. submitted paperwork to the FDA to approve its CBD product as a dietary supplement, but it was recently rejected. This blow to the booming CBD industry leaves a shadow of doubt over its future.

The FDA’s objection to Charlotte’s Web on July 23 was that of “concern about the adequacy of safety evidence,” namely possible negative effects on the liver and male reproductive organs.

CBD became federally legal under the Farm Bill Act in 2018. While the FDA says it wants to ensure CBD products are safe, it has yet to release or enforce regulations. This rejection of Charlotte’s Web’s product is one of the first statements the FDA has made about regulating the production and quality of CBD products.

Charlotte’s Web of course disagreed with the FDA and stood by its product. Charlotte’s Web Chief Executive Officer Deanie Elsner said in a statement,

“While we disagree with FDA’s reasoning, believing we provided extensive and credible scientific evidence that supported a different outcome, this decision affirms the path to regulatory clarity must come from Congress.”

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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Texas Expanding Medical Marijuana Program

Whether it’s post-traumatic stress disorder or cancer, marijuana can treat many ailments. However, if you live in the state of Texas, qualifying for medical marijuana is challenging.

But starting on September 1, the Texas Compassionate Use Program–a program that allows the use of low-THC products to treat certain diagnoses and side effects–will expand to include people with PTSD and cancer of all stages.

Instead of smoking illegal marijuana to consume THC, the program allows participants to try legal oils and edibles for three months. Participants will consume the same amount of THC as they would from smoking, but the quantity will be smaller because oil is more potent than smoke.

The state’s cannabis program treated fewer than 6,000 people as of May, but the new expansion will help an estimated 114,000 Texans who have cancer and PTSD, according to the Texas Department of State Health Services.

Because the program had previously been so narrow, Texans seeking medical marijuana treatment had to move out of state to receive medical marijuana. But Jax Finkel, the executive director of Texas’ chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, hopes that expanding the state’s medical marijuana program will keep patients in Texas and help them access safe and regulated cannabis.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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Is It Possible to Take Too Much CBD?

The CBD market continues to grow–new companies and small shops are popping up everywhere, expanding the diversity of products available. CBD is being marketed for a host of physical and mental ailments, for animals, and much more.

With the overwhelming prevalence of CBD, it might be tempting to try one-too-many CBD products. But is it possible to ingest too much CBD? And if so, what happens?

2017 review of research concluded that humans can safely tolerate up to 1,500 mg per day. Many standard 1-ounce bottles of CBD oil contain between 300 to 1,500 mg.

What happens if you ingest more than 1,500 mg in a day? For starters, you could experience nausea, diarrhea, and drowsiness. You also may experience slurred speech and vomiting.

However, CBD can negatively interact with medications, so it’s crucial to speak with your physician before consuming CBD products.

If you or someone else has ingested too much CBD and is unconscious, having trouble breathing, or seizing, call 911 immediately.

For all other circumstances, you can contact Poison Control at 800-222-1222. Try to gather as much information as possible, such as the product ingested, how much was ingested, when it was ingested, and the person’s weight and height.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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Maryland Further Funds Anti-Drug Progam

Two weeks ago, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan announced that an additional $6 million dollars would go towards fighting the state’s opioid and heroin epidemic.

Like many states, Maryland has struggled to control the increased rates of drugs. The COVID-19 pandemic has made enforcement harder than ever, as more and more people turn to drugs to escape their present realities and relieve stress, anxiety, and depression.

The funding will support the Maryland Criminal Intelligence Network, which was formed in 2017 to control the prevalence of drugs, gangs, and firearms. Since 2017, the Maryland Criminal Intelligence Network has:

  • Disrupted or dismantled 1,176 criminal organizations
  • Seized 509 kgs of illegal drugs and 975 firearms
  • Rescued 127 human-trafficking victims
  • Recovered more than $17.5 million in seized drugs and assets

Baltimore, Carroll, and Harford counties will receive the biggest chunks of funding. It’s undisclosed how the additional resources will be allocated between the different departments of the Maryland Criminal Intelligence Network. Hopefully, the new funding will help Maryland curb the presence of drugs for the health and safety of its residents.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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Is Marijuana Legalization Soon?

Now that Democrats are in control of Congress and the White House, reform can begin for marijuana legalization. Marijuana has produced many benefits, such as creating new jobs and tax revenue, and is growing tremendously in favor amongst Americans. In fact, 91% of Americans approve of cannabis legalization for both medical and recreational use.

Despite widespread enthusiasm for cannabis, there hasn’t been reform on a federal level. But now, President Joe Biden has stated he supports decriminalization and the legalization of cannabis. Several bills have been introduced, such as the MORE Act, supported by U.S. House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler. The MORE Act is a social justice-focused cannabis legalization bill.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senators Cory Booker and Ron Wyden are introducing a more comprehensive cannabis reform bill to the MORE Act that would end cannabis prohibition and promote social justice. 

While marijuana reform appears to be on the horizon, it’s important to stay updated with your state laws regarding medical and recreational marijuana use and any actions you may need to take. Even with legalization, marijuana use can be dangerous in certain occupations.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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Look Before You Eat!

Florida mother Morgan McCoy experienced every parent’s nightmare when she found her six-year-old daughter lethargic and unresponsive.

The reason? McCoy’s daughter had accidentally eaten a marijuana gummy thinking it was candy.

Now, McCoy is calling for more explicit advertising of marijuana edibles so other parents won’t have to suffer as she did.

The brand of edibles McCoy’s daughter consumed, Faded Fruits, comes in bright, colorful packaging and looks very similar to Hawaiian Punch packaging. It’s no wonder that McCoy’s daughter thought it would be safe to eat. McCoy urges manufacturers to change their labels to clearly state and show that edibles contain marijuana, as well as avoiding the colorful packaging that appeals to children.

Additionally, McCoy strongly urges parents to store edibles in a responsible way: out of sight and reach. It could be the difference between life and death for your child!

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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Who Has the Greatest Risk of Opioid Abuse?

The opioid epidemic is a national problem, but certain regions of the country are more impacted than others. Researchers at the University of Cincinnati found that there are 25 “hotspots” where the opioid crisis is specifically severe:

  • Ohio
  • Pennsylvania
  • Kentucky
  • West Virginia
  • Indiana
  • Tennessee

The opioid crisis is the worst in the big cities of these states.

Additionally, according to the report “researchers found that white males ages 25 to 29 were most at risk of fatal opioid overdose followed by white males ages 30 to 34. The study also identified an increasing risk to black males ages 30 to 34.” The researchers predict that the last group will be at the greatest risk for opioid overdose in the coming years.

 Jagdish Khubchandani, PhD, professor of public health at New Mexico State University gives several suggestions for improving the opioid crisis:

  • Improving access to healthcare
  • Recruiting and retaining mental health professionals for rural America
  • Quality rehabilitation
  • Improving the social determinants in these areas

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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How the Opioid Epidemic Impacts Seniors

The U.S. is currently experiencing a prescription opioid epidemic, according to End the Epidemic. The CDC states the number of drug overdose deaths increased by nearly 5% from 2018 to 2019 and over 70% of the 70,630 deaths in 2019 involved an opioid. Clearly this is devastating countless lives and something must be done.

When many people think about the opioid crisis, it’s easy to envision illegal alley exchanges or individuals taking opioids in dark, concealed rooms. The truth is that opioids are prescribed by a doctor or medical facility for treatments of common symptoms, chronic pain, and recovery from surgery. defines opioids as a class of drugs that includes the illegal drug heroin, synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, and pain relievers available legally by prescription, such as oxycodone (OxyContin®), hydrocodone (Vicodin®), codeine and morphine. 

Older adults may not understand how to take their medications correctly or understand the consequences of overusing their medication. Kathleen Cameron with the National Council on Aging has stated that “older adults are actually misusing and becoming addicted to opioids as a result of pain management or depression.”

An additional problem can be found with drug-seeking family members or caregivers of an older adults. The prescribed opioids can be stolen and used or sold, or the older adult may be abused or coerced into giving the drug seeker the medication.

It’s crucial to identify opioid-dependent behavior in older adults, as an overuse disorder can be deadlier for older adults than younger individuals. It’s equally as important to ensure medications are only used for the patient to which the medication was prescribed.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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WVU Studying CBD Effects on Driving

If you feel like you see CBD products everywhere, you’re not crazy! CBD oil and products have been a rapidly growing industry since the U.S. Farm Bill in 2018 legalized industrial hemp. Since then, there’s been an explosion of CBD products, brands, and shops.

While many people tout the benefits of CBD oil, its still a largely unstudied substance. We don’t really know the effects it has on various organs or body systems, nor do we know its long-term effects. We also haven’t studied the safety of certain tasks, such as driving after ingesting CBD oil.

West Virginia University decided to find out.

Tucked away in a basement room on WVU’s campus, you’ll find the Driving Simulation Lab. The simulator includes a steering wheel, pedals and turn signals. A computer screen enables participants a visual experience of driving; they can watch the road, pedestrians and stop lights.

WVU Professor Toni Marie Rudisill studies drunk driving, distracted driving, and medications that impact driving. When CBD oil became popular on campus, Rudisill just had to wonder what the effects were for driving and she took action.

Participants of the study were divided into two groups. One group received a 3 ML or a 300 mg dose of CBD oil and the other received a placebo. The simulator judged any impairments based on collisions, lane departures, turn signal usage, and swerving, among other criteria.

Once Rudisill’s study concludes and the results are published, she hopes to conduct a larger study to test more doses.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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Can CBD Treat COVID-19?

As more research comes out in favor of CBD oil, scientists are turning to CBD oil as a possible treatment for COVID-19.

CBD oil is known to help modulate the immune system, and this characteristic prompted scientists to see if CBD oil could stabilize cytokine storms and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

Immunologist Babak Baban and his team in Georgia artificially induced ARDS in mice, creating a cytokine storm and respiratory distress.

“We saw all the classic signs of the disease,” Baban says. “The oxygen dropped, we saw the invasion of inflammatory cells, we saw the destruction of the lung structure.” Then the team injected some of the mice with CBD isolate (CBD without any other cannabinoids).

Within a few hours, the mice oxygen level normalized, as did their blood work. In fact, every damaged mouse who received the CBD was either partially or totally recovered.

Baban noticed that apelin, a peptide that helps reduce inflammation, was nearly zero in the mice with ARDS. After administering CBD, apelin increased by 20 times, and the mice started to recover.

“Apelin is widely presented in the lungs, heart, and digestive system,” Baban explains, “and can be important for homeostasis and rebalancing the immune system.”

The study was published in the September journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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Politicians Ready to Legalize Marijuana

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer strongly supports the legalization of marijuana and is ready to move forward with his position, even if President Biden isn’t.

“When a few of the early states – Oregon and Colorado – wanted to legalize, all the opponents talked about the parade of horribles: Crime would go up. Drug use would go up. Everything bad would happen,” Schumer said. “The parade of horribles never came about, and people got more freedom. And people in those states seem very happy.” 

Schumer introduced a legalization bill in 2018 but has yet to see it be passed. He has continued to hit roadblocks with Biden’s conservative approach to marijuana legalization, stating that more research is needed of its safety.

“President Biden needs to join Schumer and the American people on the right side of history and, if he will not join them in calling for a correction to this long-running injustice, Congress should force his hand by putting legislation to end our failed prohibition on his desk as soon as possible,” Erik Altieri, executive director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws said. 

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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What’s the Difference Between CBD, Hemp, and Marijuana?

It’s easy to be confused about the differences between CBD, hemp, and marijuana. Let’s examine these in more detail below.

Hemp and marijuana belong to the same species of plant called Cannabis sativa. However, what sets these two substances apart is their psychoactive component: tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. Hemp has 0.3% or less THC, which is not enough THC to give you a “high” that is often associated with marijuana.

Hemp is legal to grow and sell in the United States.

CBD is a cannabinoid that can involve receptors for pain, appetite, depression, anxiety, and more. CBD doesn’t hold a legal or illegal status; some states heavily regulate CBD oil as they do marijuana, while others permit its production and use.

Marijuana contains CBD and more THC than hemp, which gives you the euphoric sensation of the drug. Marijuana remains federally illegal in the United States, but 15 states have legalized its recreational use.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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Maine Considering Drug Decriminalization Law

In February, Oregon was the first state to decriminalize the possession of hard drugs. Now, Maine may be following suit.

As Maine continues to experience high death tolls from the opioid epidemic, legislators are debating a new approach.

LD 967, sponsored by Democratic Rep. Anne Perry of Calais, allows individuals in possession of a small amount of drugs such as cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine to only be fined and referred to an addiction recovery program.

The sale of illegal drugs would still remain illegal.

Perry states her hope is that more people could receive treatment through an addiction recovery program, which would result in longer, lasting change. Despite Perry’s confidence, law enforcement is concerned that the bill would make it more difficult to enforce trafficking laws.

Massachusetts, Vermont and Washington state are also considering decriminalizing drug possession.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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Ohio Invests in New Drug Tech to Improve Investigator Safety

In the past few years, narcotics officers has seen a sharp increase in new synthetic opioids that are far more dangerous than original drugs. One such drug is carfentanil, which is 10,000 times more potent than morphine and 100 times more than fentanyl, according to the CDC.

These substances can be dangerous simply to handle, and narcotics officers in Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and Washington, D.C. are likely to come across them on the job.

In order to protect their officers and reduce the time involved with drug scenes, the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) and the Ohio Organized Crime Investigations Commission (OOCIC) have invested in a new technology called the MX908.

The MX908 is the world’s only handheld mass spectrometer that analyzes chemicals by separating particles according to mass.

“When just a speck of fentanyl can cause an overdose or death, equipping our task force officers with a device that can safely field test and identify deadly narcotics is a lifesaver,” OOCIC Executive Director Rocky Nelson said.

“Not only do the devices provide instant preliminary results but, more importantly, reduces the risk of exposure to our staff,” Ohio BCI Superintendent Joe Morbitzer said.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

Fentanyl-laced Drugs in New York

After multiple suspected overdoses, Washington County Sheriff Jeff Murphy is warning that cocaine and heroin are being laced with fentanyl.

This doesn’t come as a big surprise, as illegal drugs have been harder to obtain during the COVID-19 pandemic. Law enforcement has been cautioning for months about the probability of an increase in deadlier illegal drugs.

When fentanyl is mixed with cocaine, it can have a blueish or purplish tint. On the streets on New York, and the drug has been referred to as “blue heroin.”

Although New York deputies have used Narcan to reverse the effects of cocaine, it isn’t as effective with fentanyl-laced drugs. This increases the chances of overdose-related death.

Officials are urging all individuals to be aware of the possibility of fentanyl-laced drugs. This includes family, friends, and support groups for those in high-risk categories.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

CBD Products Ineffective in Reducing Coke Cravings

CBD products are seemingly everywhere. They can be purchased locally, in big and small shops, or online from the comfort of your own home.

There are countless options for the consumption of CBD. You can apply it to your body with skin and hair products. You can breathe it in with cigarettes and vape products. You can ingest it in the form of gummies, tea, edibles, food, supplements, and more.

CBD has long been accredited as a treatment to reduce the cravings of cocaine, eventually helping cocaine users break their addictions. However, that is not what a recent Canadian study shows.

The clinical trial randomly divided 78 people with cocaine addiction into two groups. One group received 800 mg a day of cannabidiol, the other, a placebo.

The participants had a 10-day hospital stay for detox and were sent home. Follow-up included weekly assessments for the next three months.

“In our study, the use of CBD was not more effective than a placebo in treating cocaine use disorder,” said study author Violaine Mongeau-Pérusse, a doctoral student at the research center.

“Although it is safe and produces only mild side effects, CBD reduces neither the craving to use cocaine nor the risk of a user’s relapse after detoxification.”

The study was recently published in the journal Addiction.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

CBD Products Still Banned for DOD

CBD products are seemingly everywhere. CBD shops, both small and large, can be found in almost every town. Anyone can order CBD products online from the privacy and comfort of their home.

CBD products in great variety–and even creativity–to attract a customer’s eye. Such products include but are not limited to gummy chews, cigarettes and vape pens, skin and hair oils, skin creams, and sleep medications. CBD can also be used during personal care treatments at nail salons and massage therapists.

However, despite CBD’s wide availability, individuals under the Department of Defense (DOD) are prohibited from using CBD or hemp oil products.

CBD is still largely unregulated and often contains small amounts of THC. For these reasons, the DOD considers CBD an illicit drug.

An excerpt from Army Regulation 600-85, dated July 23, 2020, reads as follows: “The use of products made or derived from hemp (as defined in 7 USC. 1639o) … regardless of the product’s THC concentration, claimed or actual, and regardless of whether such product may lawfully be bought, sold and used under the law applicable to civilians, is prohibited.”

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

Marijuana Can Be Harmful to Heart Patients

New evidence suggests that smoking marijuana–whether recreationally or medically–is harmful to individuals with heart disease.

The first study found that patients who smoke marijuana and underwent angioplasty (either a scheduled or acute procedure) are more likely to experience stroke and bleeding after the procedure than those who don’t smoke marijuana.

A second study revealed that patients who survived a heart attack and used marijuana are more likely to have a subsequent heart attack than those who did not use cannabis.

“Marijuana is becoming more accessible, and patients should be aware of the increased risk after [angioplasty],” said Dr. Sang Gune Yoo, an internal medicine resident at the University of Michigan.

The studies also indicate that more research is needed on the true effects of marijuana, as it is currently an unregulated substance, and data and clear conclusions are difficult to attain.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!