Drug and alcohol addictions can be devasting to families and businesses. It’s heart-warming to see a community surround someone struggling with addiction and help them overcome it, whether through rehab, therapy, AA groups, or other means of support.
But what we often forget is that addiction can be a life-long temptation for those who struggle with addiction. Many pitfalls make it easy to fall into addiction again, such as:
- having unrealistic expectations of a “new life” after addiction
- hanging out with addict friends
- socializing at familiar places and trying not to participate in drugs or alcohol
- failing to reshape your life to accommodate your recovery
Between 40%-60% of people with addiction will have a relapse. Those struggling with addiction often need just as much–or perhaps more–support than before recovering from their addiction. They need connection and support from family, friends, and co-workers.
You can get creative with how to support a recovering addict, such as celebrating milestones, providing extensions on deadlines, or lending a listening ear.
While it might seem unconventional, random drug tests can also be very motivating for recovering addicts. They can prove their sobriety and have accountability on their path to recovery. At the same time, we understand this can be a delicate subject.
That’s why at Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.
Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.
Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!
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