Addiction Relapse Is Real

Drug and alcohol addictions can be devasting to families and businesses. It’s heart-warming to see a community surround someone struggling with addiction and help them overcome it, whether through rehab, therapy, AA groups, or other means of support.

But what we often forget is that addiction can be a life-long temptation for those who struggle with addiction. Many pitfalls make it easy to fall into addiction again, such as:

  • having unrealistic expectations of a “new life” after addiction
  • hanging out with addict friends
  • socializing at familiar places and trying not to participate in drugs or alcohol
  • failing to reshape your life to accommodate your recovery

Between 40%-60% of people with addiction will have a relapse. Those struggling with addiction often need just as much–or perhaps more–support than before recovering from their addiction. They need connection and support from family, friends, and co-workers.

You can get creative with how to support a recovering addict, such as celebrating milestones, providing extensions on deadlines, or lending a listening ear.

While it might seem unconventional, random drug tests can also be very motivating for recovering addicts. They can prove their sobriety and have accountability on their path to recovery. At the same time, we understand this can be a delicate subject.

That’s why at Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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Do You Know These Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms?

What Marijuana Users Should Know Before Surgery

Marijuana use is on the rise. For instance, recreational marijuana sales in Maine almost doubled from $82 million in 2021 to $159 million in 2022. Another study predicts Maryland marijuana sales will reach $1 billion in the next two years.

If you, a friend, co-worker, or loved one use marijuana, it’s vital to disclose marijuana use to an anesthesiologist prior to surgery. This is especially true if marijuana use is often or heavy.

Marijuana can affect how the cardiac system responds during surgery, which can lead to complications such as cardiac arrest. Marijuana’s effect on pain receptors can also leave the patient in more pain than normal after the surgery.

Other complications during or after surgery include:

  • More anesthesia to fall asleep
  • More anesthesia to stay asleep
  • Increased agitation during recovery
  • Confusion post-surgery
  • Palpitations
  • Panic attacks

If possible, speak with your anesthesiologist before your surgery and honestly disclose your marijuana use. Concealing your marijuana use could be detrimental to your surgery outcomes and recovery!

If you notice an employee is especially agitated or in pain after surgery, recommend they speak with their doctor. This is especially true if your employee uses recreational marijuana; however, the employee could be at risk for developing a drug addiction to ease their physical pain or mental overload.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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Should Businesses Change Marijuana Testing Policies?

Do You Know These Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms?

Opioids are a category of pain-relieving drugs prescribed by your physician. Usually, these are prescribed for intense acute pain, such as after surgery or a car accident.

Opioids like morphine can be made from the poppy plant or synthesized in a laboratory like fentanyl. In either form, opioids can be highly addictive because they attach themselves to the opioid receptors in your brain. This alters your perception of pain and boosts your mood and feelings of pleasure.

Understandably, opioids are hard to give up. Who doesn’t want to feel less pain and more pleasure? However, it’s vital only to take opioids when necessary and wean yourself from them as soon as possible. Otherwise, addiction can occur.

Even without an addiction, opioid withdrawal symptoms can occur. These include:

These symptoms can appear within 12 hours after taking your last opioid dose and can range from mild to severe. These symptoms can affect all areas of life, including the ability to fulfill responsibilities at work.

As an employer, be observant of your employees’ mannerisms, especially if you know an employee is taking opioids for acute pain. They may need assistance to overcome withdrawal.

Of course, knowing these withdrawal symptoms can help identify employees who may be taking illegal opioids. In this case, Nationwide Drug Testing Service is here to help.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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How Can I Help Someone With Drug Addiction?

FDA Cracking Down on CBD

The CBD industry lacks many regulations, making it one of the most frustrating industries to produce products. Now, the FDA is cracking down on companies that include CBD in consumable products.

The FDA states: “The FDA has not found adequate information showing how much CBD can be consumed, and for how long, before causing harm. This is particularly true for vulnerable populations like children and those who are pregnant. People should be aware of the potential risks associated with the use of CBD products.”

The FDA has sent warning letters to the following companies:

The primary concern is that the marketing of the foods and beverages produced by these companies is misleading. Consumers may mistake them for traditional products and accidentally consume CBD. This is especially concerning for children and pregnant women.

Hopefully, these new measures will encourage CBD companies to market CBD use in their products explicitly.

In the meantime–although it’s always important–thoroughly examining foods and beverages’ packaging and ingredient lists is crucial, especially if you are pregnant or have children. Many foods in natural food stores or sections may contain CBD, especially gummies, candies, teas, cookies, and more.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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CBD and Liver Damage

Should Businesses Change Marijuana Testing Policies?

During the elections on November 8, 2022, Missouri and Maryland joined 19 other states and the District of Columbia to legalize recreational marijuana. As more states allow recreational marijuana use, business owners are forced to consider changing their marijuana testing policies.

What are the consequences of testing positive on a marijuana test, especially with an employee shortage?

“Some employers have begun relaxing their drug-testing policies to account for the current reality that a positive cannabis test may not be indicative of illegal drug use or other employment-disqualifying actions,” Greta Bauer Reyes, an associate at Stinson LLP said.

For instance, some employers have changed their policies to exclude testing for cannabis before employment. Others will test for cannabis but not withhold employment if the test is positive.

New York and New Jersey have all but outlawed testing for cannabis, which puts pressure on other states to follow suit.

At the present time, employers are free to enforce whatever testing policies they deem necessary to keep their employees safe. Some occupations, such as construction jobs or delivery services, may need to have stricter policies due to potentially hazardous situations. Other occupations could be more lenient.

Nationwide Drug Testing Service is here to support whatever decision you make regarding marijuana testing.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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Marijuana Increases Life Insurance Cost

Meth Side Effects: Short and Long Term

Crystal meth is the layman’s term for d-methamphetamine, a highly-addictive drug with many side effects. Those who use meth are at high risk for drug misuse or abuse due to its addictive qualities.

Once someone begins to use meth, it can be hard to stop; however, the sooner a meth addict gets help, the fewer short and long-term side effects they will experience.

Because meth is so potent, there are many side effects.

Crystal Meth Short-Term Side Effects

Thankfully, meth isn’t instantly addictive after someone uses it for the first time. However, many people become addicted because meth is energizing and mood-lifting.

After a few doses of meth, the user may begin to notice physiological changes, such as an increased heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and body temperature. They may also notice:

  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Paranoia
  • Aggression and violence
  • Tremors

Convulsions, stroke, heart attack, and death are also possible, even after a few doses.

Crystal Meth Long-Term Side Effects

The more someone uses meth, the greater the side effects. This is because the user develops a physiological tolerance to the current dose and needs more meth to feel the same high. Long-term effects include:

  • Decreased motor skills
  • Repetitive movements
  • Chronic anxiety and paranoia
  • Mood disturbances
  • Aggressive or violent behaviors
  • Delusions
  • Visual and auditory hallucinations
  • Memory loss
  • Severe dental problems
  • Malnutrition

Awareness of these symptoms can alert you to a meth addict who needs help.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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How Can I Help Someone With Drug Addiction?

CBD and Liver Damage

One body organ that can often be overlooked when discussing CBD is the liver. Your liver has many functions, such as the filtration of toxins, the breakdown of poisonous substances like alcohol and drugs, and flushing away waste with bile.

Does the old adage “everything in moderation” apply to CBD use? Or can you damage your liver by consuming CBD?

Doctors have noted that children taking FDA-approved Epidiolex for epilepsy have developed high liver enzymes. High liver enzymes indicate inflammation in the liver or other organs. Another study found that mice given high doses of CBD either died or had elevated liver enzymes.

Other studies have shown that CBD doesn’t cause liver damage when consumed in small amounts.

And this is the problem: CBD doesn’t have FDA regulation. There are not enough scientific studies showing CBD’s appropriate dosage, its interaction with other prescription drugs, or its long-term effects.

Further, while some brands invest in studies demonstrating the safety of their products, they don’t have to. Brands can analyze how much CBD is in one batch of their product, put it on their labels, and not test future batches to ensure product standardization.

This means there is the potential for vast fluctuation in how much CBD is present in any one product. This can be especially dangerous if you consume more than one product, and you could unknowingly be overloading your liver.

The bottom line: consume CBD products sparingly and as needed until further studies demonstrate safety.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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“Tranq” Rising in Street Drug Use

Check Reviews Before Buying!

CBD products are currently unregulated by the FDA or other governing bodies. Despite reassurances on the label, without any regulating standards, it’s nearly impossible to tell how much CBD is in a product or if THC is contained as well.

That’s why it’s incredibly important to do a little research before buying any CBD product.

One way to determine the legitimacy of a product is by reading product reviews. You can do a little digging to learn what consumers really think of a product.

Unfortunately, the product’s website isn’t the most reliable source. The website may provide proof of certifications and other information, but you shouldn’t trust user reviews. There’s no way to confirm the legitimacy of the reviews, which are often suspiciously raving and glowing about the product.

Instead, choose reviews from real users. You can read user reviews on a site like Amazon or search the product name and “reviews” in Google for lengthier articles. These articles may uncover little-known facts about the company (good or bad) and evaluate the science behind the product.

Remember to ask your physician if you are ever unsure about a product. CBD can interfere with the performance of certain prescription medications or aggravate certain illnesses.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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Are CBD Labels Trustworthy?

Deadly New Street Drugs

There has been a startling rise in two new street drugs that are deathly.

The first is a synthetic opioid called nitazene. Nitazene is ten times stronger than fentanyl–and fentanyl is fifty times stronger than heroin. The Tennessee Department of Health recently published data showing a four-fold increase in overdoses connected to nitazene in the past two years.

Narcan is normally anecdotal for opioid overdoses, but officials are finding that it is not powerful enough to reverse a nitazene overdose. While multiple Narcan doses may revive the unconscious person, nitazene is often deadly.

The other street drug on the rise is xylazine, an animal sedative that has been found lacing illicit injectable drugs. It’s often referred to as “tranq” or “tranq dope.”

As a heavy-duty sedative, it’s not surprising that those who inject xylazine fall into a deep sleep, often for hours. While it’s dangerous enough to ingest this drug, it’s especially dangerous because the person could die from an inability to be roused once they become unconscious. For instance, they could hit their head and suffer a concussion or suffocate from falling onto a soft surface like their bed.

Loved ones and employers need to be vigilant about protecting those they suspect or know are using illegal drugs.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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“Tranq” Rising in Street Drug Use

Marijuana Increases Life Insurance Cost

As more states are legalizing the use of marijuana, more people are using it. The most common way to consume marijuana is by smoking, and many users find it to be relaxing and calming. But while marijuana may take the edge off a stressful situation, marijuana may cost you more in the long wrong–including your life insurance.

It may be surprising, but many life insurance companies will deny your application if you smoke marijuana. If a company does accept your application, you will almost certainly pay a higher premium than those who don’t smoke marijuana.

So, whether you are considering picking up a marijuana habit or are currently smoking it, it may be best to kick marijuana to the curb.

When you apply for life insurance, you must answer many health-related questions in detail. These questions will include any previous or current drug use, including marijuana.

If you stretch the truth a bit or write false information on the application, think again. Life insurance companies require you to have a physical examination by a doctor or nurse and a drug panel, among other procedures, to verify your health. While you may be able to hide the truth on an application or to your health practitioner, your drug test won’t lie. It’s best to be honest from the get-go.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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Are CBD Labels Trustworthy?

Is CBD the New Weight Loss Fad?

There’s no denying the popularity and usage of CBD products in 2022. In fact, more than half of Americans have tried a product containing CBD or currently use CBD products.

While CBD seems to treat just about everything from depression and anxiety to muscle pain and headaches, researchers are investigating another use for CBD: weight loss.

So far, most of the research regarding weight loss or weight management has been animal studies. According to these animal studies, CBD may help convert white fat into brown fat–the calorie-burning fat.

“Animal studies can tell us what to study in humans, but you can’t make a strong conclusion that CBD helps with weight loss based on animal studies,” says Peter Grinspoon, MD, a primary care physician and cannabis specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. “Sometimes animal studies translate to humans and sometimes they don’t, which is why you really have to do the studies in humans to make sure they work.” 

Grinspoon goes on to say that CBD may cause some people to lose weight, but it can cause others to gain weight. There is still much research to be done before human trials could begin and researchers could make any conclusions.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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Are CBD Labels Trustworthy?

“Tranq” Rising in Street Drug Use

A new drug is becoming popular on the streets of Philadelphia, and it is deadly.

Xylazine, which is also known as “tranq” or “tranq dope,” is an animal tranquilizer that is not approved for human consumption. It first became popular in Puerto Rico but has made its way to Philadelphia, where it was found in 91% of drug samples.

Xylazine can be added to illegal fentynal or cocaine. Tranq causes users to fall asleep after intaking the drug, but it also causes slowed breathing and heart rate and reduces blood pressure. In combination with fentanyl or heroin, Tranq can increase the risk of death.

In fact, this has been reported in studies. Xylazine-related deaths increased from 1% in 2010 to 6.7% in 2020. The most recent data shows 107,000 deaths were caused by xylazine-laced drugs.

Since Tranq is a sedative, users are unconscious for six to eight hours, or even longer. The sedation can happen unexpectedly, which means a user could collapse while driving, outside, or in an isolated location. Depending on how they collapsed, they could sustain other injuries or be exposed to extreme weather elements such as snow or rain. In some cases, unconscious users could even be sexually assaulted without their knowledge.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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How Much Do You Know About Opioids?

COVID and the Opioid Crisis: A New Study

The COVID-19 pandemic was catastrophic to every individual, but some felt it greater than others. The isolation, lack of resources, anxiety, depression, and more that so many people experienced were devastating in 2020, but the ripple effects have been felt in the two years since the beginning of the pandemic.

One group of individuals perhaps struggled more than the rest of us: those who battle addiction, specifically to opioids. Health officials warned that the forced isolation could break those struggling with opioid addiction. For many, it did.

Now, a $3.5 million grant is being given to economist Elaine Hill, Ph.D. and Meredith Adams, M.D. of Wake Forest University School of Medicine to study the impact the pandemic has had on the opioid crisis. The study will specifically look into how different communities were affected and if the progress made from crisis plans in recent years can be recovered.

Opioid-related deaths had been trending down prior to the pandemic but jumped up 28% in 2020. However, researchers feel the number is actually much higher due to underreporting.

Opioid addiction is dangerous and challenging for friends and family to manage, and it’s best done in a community. Start by educating yourself and providing support. It can also be helpful to require drug tests for accountability.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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How Can I Help Someone With Drug Addiction?

Will CBD Show Up On My Drug Test?

Drug tests are routine in many areas of occupation. Not only must you submit a drug test before being hired, but many companies also issue random drug tests to ensure their employees are clean.

If you’re one of the millions of Americans who consume CBD products, you might be wondering if CBD will show up on your drug test. Could your recreational or medical CBD products cost you your job?

CBD and delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are both cannabinoids that come from the same plant, but they have different effects on the body. While THC leads to the “high” often described with marijuana, CBD doesn’t.

CBD can be used for a variety of purposes, such as pain relief, anxiety, depression, and more.

Does CBD Show Up On a Drug Test?

Luckily, drug tests are designed to detect the presence of THC in your urine, not CBD.

There are two drug tests for THC:

  • Immunoassay – the most common drug test with a urine or blood sample
  • Confirmatory using mass spectrometry – considered the “gold standard” of testing, but is more expensive and time-consuming

CBD shouldn’t show up on your drug test unless the CBD contains high amounts of THC. This is problematic because CBD isn’t regulated by the federal government, so your CBD may contain higher levels of CBD than advertised. Investigate your product’s Certificate of Analysis (COA) to get more details on THC count.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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Are CBD Labels Trustworthy?

THC Drugs Approved by FDA?

The North Carolina House passed Senate Bill 448 with a vote of 92-9. The bill would legalize FDA-approved THC medications and indicates that previously-passed Senate Bill 711 would be dead before it arrives at the House.

Senate Bill 711 would legalize medical marijuana under The Compassionate Care Act. It carries strict rules regarding producers, distributors, and law enforcement. Additionally, “cannabis industry experts, doctors, and pharmacists, all appointed by N.C. lawmakers and the governor,” according to the news release.

Sen. Jim Burgin, a chair of the Senate’s Health Care Committee and Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee, got involved with the bill because of its impact on epileptic children. Under the amendment, Epidiolex–a THC-derived drug that helps with seizures–would become illegal.

Burgin is looking ahead to many more THC-derived drugs in the future and stresses the importance of FDA testing and approval prior to legalization.

It seems as though North Carolina is still grid-locked with its stance on marijuana legalization. However, it’s likely that the state will see legalization in the future as more studies come out proving the efficacy of THC-derived drugs.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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Is It Possible to Take Too Much CBD?

The Verdict: Does CBD Affect Your Driving?

Millions of Americans use CBD for various purposes, such as pain relief, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, and more. While CBD doesn’t generally cause any harmful symptoms, is it safe to consume CBD and drive?

“This is a highly important topic, given the increasing prevalence of CBD use by the public for a variety of medical and psychiatric symptoms,” said Thomas D. Marcotte, PhD, co-director of the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research at the University of California, San Diego

A new study has concluded that CBD doesn’t impair the ability to drive, even at higher doses.

“Although CBD is generally considered ‘non-intoxicating,’ its effects on safety-sensitive tasks are still being established,” study author Danielle McCartney, PhD, a researcher at the University of Sydney’s Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics, said in a news release. “Our study is the first to confirm that, when consumed on its own, CBD is driver-safe.”

While this is good news for the general public’s safety, it is best to take the serving size for CBD products, or as prescribed by your doctor. If you experience any troubling symptoms, contact your doctor right away.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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Are CBD Labels Trustworthy?

How Can I Help Someone With Drug Addiction?

If you’ve recently discovered a friend’s struggle with drug addiction, your mind might be spinning with how to help them. Here are some ways you can help.

Research and Educate Yourself

Each drug has its own set of symptoms and addictive habits. Educating yourself to understand the specific addiction will give both insight and empathy. You don’t have to become an expert, but learning more will help you know how to handle addictive behavior in the future.

Provide Support

Supporting an addict can take many forms. Express your care and concern for them, be positive and encourage them to do the same, or offer to be someone to call when they want to use drugs. Schedule regular meetings and help hold them accountable for their drug use or offer to attend addiction meetings with them.

Create Boundaries

While it’s important to give support, boundaries are crucial when it comes to helping an addict. An addict can fall into manipulative tendencies that can implode your relationship. Setting boundaries helps guard your relationship and help the addict at the same time.

Celebrate Progress

Any progress is worth celebrating! Even the smallest of wins can encourage the addict to stay on the path to recovery. Get creative and have fun!

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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How Much Do You Know About Opioids?

Alcohol: A Gateway Drug

Although there may be some extreme stories, forming an addiction to drugs may not be as radical as you may think. In many cases, drug addiction comes from small addictions over time.

We are all addicted to something from sugar and shopping to the plethora of apps and social engagements on our phones, exercise, or coffee.

Over time, these small addictions lose some of their appeals and we desire more. The craving for a piece of dark chocolate after a meal turns into two or three pieces. Your morning cup of coffee turns into a trip to the local coffee shop after lunch.

Similarly, alcohol can be a “gateway drug” of sorts because it increases the risk of someone trying other drugs. The National Institute on Drug Abuse found that alcohol primes the brain to progress to more harmful substances.

While it’s important to consider illegal drug use amongst your employees, it’s also wise to be mindful of alcohol intake. If an employee is indulging in alcohol, they may be using illegal drugs–or tempted to. If you notice that an employee turns to alcohol, take investigative action! You may save them from a lifetime of regret.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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Is It Possible to Take Too Much CBD?

Are CBD Labels Trustworthy?

When you buy medicine approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), you expect it to contain the ingredients labeled and the medicine properly dosed. It would be incredibly dangerous for the manufacturer to put in extra ingredients or vary widely on the medicine dose.

But is this what happens with CBD products?

An investigation by Good Health found that CBD product labels contain vastly different amounts of CBD than what is advertised. Because CBD products are not evaluated for safety or specifications by federal agencies, this lack of accountability can result in:

  • Dangerous products – A consumer may take the recommended amount but have too much CBD. In the Good Health report, eight of the 13 products evaluated had more CBD than advertised, and one product had twice the amount advertised.
  • Overpriced products – If a product advertises 30 mg of CBD in its product but it only contains 15 mg, then the product is overpriced. Consumers are paying far more for CBD than they realize.

Now that CBD products are sold nearly everywhere and in nearly every form, it’s important to be wise about how much CBD you consume because it can be in various forms. For instance, you may eat the recommended amount of gummies, but you are also using a CBD massage oil and taking CBD drops. This cumulative effect can cause you to overdose on CBD.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

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Does CBD Oil Help ADHD Symptoms?

Where Is Marijuana Legal?

As more and more states legalize marijuana, it’s important to know where your state of residence stands with marijuana’s legal use.

In 2012, Colorado and Washington were the first states to approve recreational marijuana. In 2014, Alaska, Oregon, and the District of Columbia also legalized recreational marijuana. In addition to these four states, the following also allow recreational use of marijuana:

  • California
  • Nevada
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • Colorado
  • Montana
  • Illinois
  • Michigan
  • Virginia
  • New York
  • New Jersey
  • Connecticut
  • Vermont
  • Massachusetts
  • Maine

There are 10 states that allow CBD products and other products low in THC, even though it’s not available for recreational use:

  • Wyoming
  • Texas
  • Iowa
  • Indiana
  • Kentucky
  • Tennessee
  • Wisconsin
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Georgia

There are several states that have legalized marijuana for medical purposes. Marijuana can be helpful for conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), HIV/AIDS, Crohn’s disease, Epilepsy and seizures, Glaucoma, Multiple sclerosis and muscle spasms, severe and chronic pain, and severe nausea or vomiting caused by cancer treatment. These states include:

  • Utah
  • North Dakota
  • South Dakota
  • Minnesota
  • Oklahoma
  • Missouri
  • Arkansas
  • Louisiana
  • Alabama
  • Mississippi
  • Florida
  • Ohio
  • West Virginia
  • Maryland
  • Pennsylvania
  • Delaware
  • Vermont
  • Rhode Island

Only three states have no public program for marijuana use:

  • Idaho
  • Nebraska
  • Kansas

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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Side Effects of Marijuana

What is Delta-9 THC?

Delta-9 THC is the most abundant cannabinoid molecule found in marijuana. Delta-9 THC composes up to 25% of the plant’s weight. Delta-9 THC gives consumers the classic “high” or euphoric sensations. 

What Kind of Benefits Does Delta-9 Have?

Delta-9 THC can have many beneficial effects on the body, such as:

  • Stimulate the appetite
  • Reduce nausea
  • Relieve pain
  • Improve your mood (the euphoric feeling of Delta-9 THC)
  • Relaxation or sedation (from consuming large amounts of Delta-9 THC)
  • Protect neurons 

Although Delta-9 THC can be beneficial, like any substance, it can also have some negative effects on your body. While Delta-9 is in your system, it gives you a dry mouth (known as “cottonmouth”) and dry red eyes. These symptoms are temporary and are gone once you stop feeling the euphoric effects.  

If you consume too much Delta-9 THC, more serious side effects can appear, such as:

  • Increased anxious thoughts
  • Panic and/or paranoia
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Delusions and/or hallucinations
  • Impaired judgment
  • Speech and memory lapses
  • Behavior changes
  • Tiredness
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches

Delta-9 Legality

Delta-9 THC is federally illegal in the United States. However, every state has different laws regarding cannabis consumption. Some states have legalized THC for recreational or medicinal purposes. If you live in one of these states, then you may legally own and consume THC products. 

How Does Delta-9 Compare to CBD?

Delta-9 THC and CBD are very similar because they come from the same origin: cannabigerol, or CBG. Certain enzymes in the plant convert CBG into either CBD or THC that can then be extracted and made into a CBD or THC product. 

The biggest difference between Delta-9 THC and CBD is that CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it doesn’t produce any psychoactive side effects. THC, on the other hand, has a strong psychoactive effect profile.

CBD products tend to be made from hemp, as hemp is legal in most parts of the world and marijuana is not. THC products are made from marijuana. 

Additionally, CBD and Delta-9 THC vary in what ailments they treat. For example, CBD can be an appetite suppressant, and Delta-9 THC can be an appetite stimulant. CBD oil is better for relieving anxiety but Delta-9 THC can increase anxiety after the dose has worn off. 

Delta-9 THC has many positive effects, such as helping to relieve or reduce many ailments and boosting your mood. However, since Delta-9 THC has stronger effects than CBD oil, it’s important to assess the benefits and risks before using it. 

Schedule a visit with your doctor to ensure Delta-9 THC won’t interact with any medications you may be taking, and use Delta-9 THC with caution until you know how it affects you. 

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

What’s Next

Is It Possible to Take Too Much CBD?

Are Doctors to Blame for the Opioid Crisis?

The opioid crisis is one that touches nearly every Americans’ life. It’s becoming increasingly common to know someone who has or is currently struggling with opioid addiction. When grieving the loss of a loved one to opioid addiction, many people are quick to blame doctors because they prescribe opioids to patients. But is this an accurate accusation, or is there more to the story?

Opioids are drugs commonly used for pain management or other conditions such as a persistent or painful cough. Although opioids are naturally found in opium poppy plants, manufacturers can also make synthetic opioids by using the chemical structure from poppy plants. Opioids trigger the body to release large amounts of dopamine–your “feel good” hormones that improve your mood and make you feel happy.

One of the most common uses for opioids is pain management; for instance, after surgery or breaking a bone. A physician will prescribe an opioid to be used in the short term until acetaminophen can be used to manage pain; however, this is the beginning of opioid addiction for many patients. Since physicians are the ones prescribing opioids, aren’t they the ones to blame for the opioid crisis? Before jumping to conclusions, let’s examine the bigger picture.

The first culprit to examine is pharmaceutical marketing. Besides New Zealand, the United States is the only country in the world where pharmaceutical companies are allowed to market directly to consumers via advertisements on television, print, and smart devices. Pharmaceutical companies rake in profit as consumers are encouraged to ask their doctor about new drugs, including opioids. Many major pharmaceutical companies were caught in legislation in 2017 for using marketing schemes to persuade doctors and patients that opioids should be used for chronic pain while masking the addictiveness of opioids. But what the patient asks for is often what the patient gets from the doctor.  

This leads to the next foundational piece of the opioid crisis: patient surveys. These satisfaction surveys, such as the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Survey (HCAHPS), have been adopted by almost every hospital across the nation because the program financially rewards hospitals with high ratings. Hospitals receive more reimbursement from high ratings for relieving patients’ pain, even though studies show that patient satisfaction doesn’t correlate to quality care or outcomes. This financial incentive puts pressure on doctors to overprescribe opioids to receive better ratings, increase hospital revenue, and maintain salaries.

Instead of doctors acting in the patients’ best interest, hospital care has turned into doctors filling patient requests in order to improve satisfaction survey scores. The greedy demands of pharmaceutical companies and hospitals have not only reduced the quality of care but also stimulated an opioid epidemic.

It is understandable that many people blame doctors for the opioid crisis, but this is a false accusation. While there will always be doctors who are quick to prescribe pills to treat ailments, doctors shouldn’t ultimately be blamed for the opioid epidemic. While doctors write prescriptions, they are pressured and manipulated by pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, and hospitals to use their doctorates for financial profit. In order to solve the opioid crisis, doctors must be free to practice medicine that is best for the patient without the pressure from outside influences.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

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How Much Do You Know About Opioids?

Does CBD Oil Help ADHD Symptoms?

Through viral videos on social media, more and more young and middle-aged adults are discovering they have undiagnosed ADHD. CBD oil is one trending way to manage ADHD symptoms in lieu of medication, but is this the right treatment?

According to Mayo Clinic, adult ADHD symptoms include:

  • Impulsiveness
  • Disorganization and problems prioritizing
  • Poor time management skills
  • Problems focusing on a task
  • Trouble multitasking
  • Excessive activity or restlessness
  • Poor planning
  • Low frustration tolerance
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Problems following through and completing tasks
  • Hot temper
  • Trouble coping with stress

CBD oil can help regulate the immune system, reduce pain and inflammation, and reduce anxiety, which could help minimize certain ADHD symptoms. There are also very few side effects of CBD oil, unlike traditional ADHD medication.

However, there have not been enough studies performed to determine if CBD is a true alternative to ADHD medication. The studies that have been done could only give moderate recommendations supporting CBD for ADHD treatment.

If you do decide to try CBD oil for ADHD symptoms, keep your expectations low. Everyone’s ADHD symptoms are different, and what works for someone else may not work for you. CBD oil is also not a replacement for medication or other treatments prescribed by your physician. Be sure to buy your products from a reputable source and buy products containing less than 0.3% THC in order to comply with federal law.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

Mississippi Legalizes Medical Marijuana

On February 3, Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves signed legislation legalizing medical marijuana, becoming the 37th state to do so.

In his announcement, Governor Reeves stated “There is no doubt that there are individuals in our state who could do significantly better if they had access to medically prescribed doses of cannabis. There are also those who really want a recreational marijuana program that could lead to more people smoking and less people working, with all of the societal and family ills that that brings.”

Under the new law, individuals diagnosed with diseases such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, AIDS, Crohn’s disease, autism, and more, will be eligible to purchase medical marijuana.

Certain prohibitions are in place, such as not allowing dispensaries to be near churches, schools, or child care facilities. Schools, landlords, and employers are not allowed to discriminate against individuals using medical marijuana. The law also gives directives for medical professionals.

The law was initially met with opposition a few years ago, but Mississippi voters have turned the tide in favor of the legislation.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!

How Does CBD Affect Blood Pressure?

If you have high blood pressure (also called hypertension), you may have heard that CBD can lower your blood pressure. CBD can be found in many products such as oils, tinctures, edibles (such as gummies, teas, chocolate, and more), pills or capsules, topical applications, and vape juices.

However, the research surrounding CBD and blood pressure are contradictory:

  • First studyIn 2017, a nine males given a single dose of CBD lowered their blood pressure
  • Second studyIn 2017, a study of mice found that CBD lowered blood pressure and heart rate caused by stress
  • Third studyIn 2020, a study of mice found that CBD did not lower blood pressure
  • Fourth studyIn 2020, another study found the CBD reduced blood pressure in human patients

Although the research is promising, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) still notes that more research is needed before giving a recommendation for CBD products to be used to lower blood pressure. The best CBD product for high blood pressure would be in an oil or tincture form. This is because CBD has a higher absorption rate in oil form rather than an edible or tea.

If you do try CBD products, be aware that diarrhea, fatigue, and changes in weight or appetite can be side effects of CBD.

At Nationwide Drug Testing Service, our staff is not only understanding and considerate, but knowledgeable as well. From the moment you contact us, you work with a professional, well-trained Representative who stays with you throughout the entire process.

Nationwide Drug Testing Services is one of the largest accredited drug testing networks in the U.S. We offer testing in every state Nationwide, for affordable, Same-Day-Appointment Drug Testing and Fast, Accurate results.

Call us today at 877.497.1002 or Order a Test Online!